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Old 09-13-2011, 01:08 PM   #575
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Newburgh, NY
Originally Posted by panerd View Post
Sort of like the cheering for Obama when he gave that memorial speech after Rep Giffords was shot?

Like SteveMax said... why a group of people who attend the Republican debate speaks for the candidates or the candidates' followers any more than the Tucson cheering speaks for Obama is beyond me. But if it makes you somehow feel superior by knocking them then go ahead. I personally I think they are pretty tasteless also, especially when Ron Paul is booed for trying to at least figure out our problems in the middle East while Santorum is wildly cheered for "USA. Freedom" nonsense responses, however it still doesn't mean that makes him any less appealing to me. It just means there are a bunch of morons in the crowd. (My guess is you can't just walk in off the street to this so that should be your starting point if you really want to figure out who these people are)

If I remember right at the time I thought that was inappropriate, but not earthshaking given a college audience. Is it too much to ask for GOP supporters to also say cheering for death is inappropriate?

Of course I also don't think the comparison is justified. Cheering for political figures at a memorial service is a little tasteless, but it doesn't show the same level of indecency as cheering for people to die.
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