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Old 09-26-2011, 09:02 PM   #3
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
None of the Red Death roles are known. However, you are aware of these Lightbringer roles:

Keeper of the Cleansing Flame
– Once, as a night action, the Keeper can turn the Cleansing Flame against any player of their choice, with the normal results for the Flame. You can only do this once during the game.

Adept – You are able to, once per night, cast an Auramancy spell that will tell you if someone is a Servant of the Red Death. However, it has been shown in the past that many Servants do not show up as evil, so this is not a guaranteed way. Each time you choose to cast the Auramancy spell, there is a small but very real chance that the magic will corrupt you, since all magic comes from the Red Death.

Detective – Once per night, you can Observe Someone. This will tell you what that person has done for the evening. For example, you would learn that an Adept cast a spell, but not what the results were. If you observe another spellcaster, you would not be able to tell the difference between an Adept and them. Observing can be dangerous.

The Minister – You are an ordained minister and your faith in God, despite the presence of the Red Death, is enough to keep you from succumbing to the Red Death. You cannot be corrupted. Additionally, if you are night attacked by a vampire, you will kill the vampire.

The Sheriff – With a horse and a two handed-rifle you keep the peace in Arkansas, and now you will do the same here. Each night, submit an order for who to protect, and that person will be immune to any attack, but not immune to corruption. You may guard yourself, and you may guard the same person any number of times. Due to some cleverly concealed silver bullets, you will kill any lycanthrope that tries to kill you at night, or the person you guard. You cannot use certain items.

Abjurer – Like the adept, you are able to cast a spell at night. Each night, you may cast a Ward of Protection spell on any person you like. That person will be immune to corruption but not an attack for the night. Also, if you happen to Ward a Servant of the Red Death, and that person was going to take a corruption action on another, it will be stopped. However, like the Adept, whenever you cast a spell, there is a small chance you will be corrupted yourself.

The Exorcist – Like the Minister, you are also immune to corruption. Once per night, you can Exorcize a person. If they are possessed, they will stop being possessed, and will re-convert to the Lightbringers. This is dangerous to you. That person will be Exorcized in the thread, and it will be known they were once possessed. New rules for that player will be given to that player, in this event. They will gain a new, hidden role, The Exorcized, with its own powers and restrictions. You are immune to attack from minor undead, and will automatically defeat any minor undead attack (vampires are not minor undead, but zombies, skeletons, etc. are)

The Scientist – You are a clever scientist on the edge of technology and always inventing and tinkering. Each night, you may Make a Gadget.

Martyr – Once in the game, you can place yourself in the Cleansing Flame instead of someone else. Just pm me your desire to do so prior to the Cleansing Fire deadline.

Lifegiver – through a combination of alchemical ingredients, prayers and science, you can restore life to one Lightbringer who has died as a night action. Simply PM me which dead Lightbringer you would like to bring me during the night actions.

The Tinkerer – You will instantly know the Lightbringer powers of any object in your hand. You will not know how they can be used by Servants of the Red Death, just how your side can use them.

Please note the difference between a night “attack” and a night “corruption.” Both are forms of “actions.” They are two different types of actions, and these roles refer to one or the other frequently as appropriate.

Not all of these roles will be in the game. It's possible there could be Lightbringer roles not listed above as well.

That the Servants will have many different ways of attacking you, corrupting you, and so forth. They are quite powerful. However, as the game goes on, they will lose many of their abilities to corrupt.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 10-02-2011 at 01:37 PM.
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