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Old 10-06-2011, 10:28 AM   #1739
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: JBLM, WA
Originally Posted by Abe Sargent View Post
As the day concludes, you meet by the shores of the famous Mississippi. After some discussion, you narrow the candidates down to two major ones, and despite the push and pull, ultimately you decide to select ntndeacon.

The Sacred Flame is ignited as a column brightly against the twilight sky. Prismatic flares seem to kiss the sky as the multivaried flames crackle with an odd spectral pop. You get the feeling that it is not quite there. Like most of it has manifested. But not all of it, as the spiritual part of the Sacred Flame keeps itself hidden away much like man's soul.

At first, ntndeacon is reluctant to move into the Flame, but the hypnotic swaying of the flame is too much and he moves into it. The Holy Fire envelops his body, baring forth his spirit. His body is destroyed, but with his spirit laid bare, you can tell, just before he departs this plane, that he was, in fact, a Servant of the Red Death!

You check his things and confiscate a Charm of Protection Against Detection as evidence. He appears to have been The Unhallowed, a Servant with some special abilities.

Congratulations are in order, and you celebrate your victory with drink and song, but it is hollow. You know that there must be more Servants than this.

Day One Has Ended. Night One Actions must be submitted by TWO AM EST.

Originally Posted by Abe Sargent View Post
Choosing someone to die. Think about that. Ponder the implications. How do you choose someone to die? How do you choose a comrade, an acquaintance, a friend, a lover, a warrior? How do any of us have the right to kill another? Even if the source of death is the Cleansing Flame?

Today has brought many old questions to the surface. Surely, there has got to be a better way. Surely, someone, somewhere, has come up with a better plan. This cannot be the only path before you.

And yet, today, this is the option you have. One of you must step into the Flame. One of you must likely perish. That is the current way of things. Perhaps, some day, when the Red Death’s dominion over Earth is broken, perhaps then people will look at justice as something else entirely. But you don’t have that luxury. You are the people of your time.

Casting lots has determined that Zinto is to be tossed into the Flame. He steps up to walk in himself, under his own power. Then, suddenly, he begins to run, and you see him start to turn into a bat. But it is all to nothing, because the group of you know his type, and within seconds you’ve grabbed him and thrown him into the Cleansing Flame. You know what will happen next. His vampiric soul is borne to all, and you have confirmation that Zinto was a vampire. His once human nature was already gone.

It is days like today that remind you that you are on the right path. Never forget this victory. No matter what darkness you encounter and no matter what fear you feel, always embrace this moment. For it was the moment that you took down the leader of the Servants of the Red Death.

Day Three has ended. Night Three ends at 2:00 am

Unless we were not told his items the Charm of Protection Against Detection is probably with another wolf right now, so if someone has been scanned clear and they are a possibility they might want to be scanned again.
I killed a wolf and I liked it.
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