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Old 10-24-2011, 10:24 AM   #126
Pro Starter
Join Date: Jul 2007
i allways planned to try a fictional game, but never could bring myself to do it. If i want to go the "i donīt know stuff" route i start in a country or league iīm not familiar and still can get a kick out of facing the big names when playing against them And even though i have decent real-life-soccer-knowledge it isnīt stellar anymore and so every year i play FM and every year 90% of the players i buy are still unknown to me IRL.

as for Corners : I allways felt that setting up 1 certain way to play them was a tiny bit boring and have it on mixed for variety.

But for positioning i have :

- 1 player near post stand/flick (player with decent heading, preferably a striker because of rebounds where heīs then better suited than a defender)
- 1 player attack near post (strongest heading player, often a CB)
- 1 player attack far post (2nd strongest header)
- 1 player on edge of area (good long range shooter)

i also often have someone "attack ball from deep".

defensively like Marc i also found that itīs very effective to have a wide midfielder up front (since i mostly play with 2 attacking wingers that works well) and in adition tell your best playmaker/passer to stay on the edge of the area, in most cases heīs a bad header anyway but can do wonders for the counter attack.

Last edited by whomario : 10-24-2011 at 10:29 AM.
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