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Old 11-07-2011, 11:42 AM   #52
Pro Starter
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: ...down the gravity well
Buc, I wouldn't change your mind, but when I played Morrowind, I was just drawn in. I mean the world can be sparse in some ways but it was yours to literally go anywhere, /anywhere/ and do you whatever you feel liked. You could clean out a settlement and make it your own. You could do anything at your own pace, and furthermore there was story upon story, some of which you may never have resolved. It was immensely layered.

It was also incredibly frustrating the first few forays, I got killed by all types of creatures. But that made the world truly dynamic to me, it was dangerous. I remember being a thief and actually breaking into an armory and getting all the treasure. That was cool.

Oblivion, I lost interest in with the leveling issue, some creatures were meant to be easy kills...if everything was a slogfest. I also didn't feel the same excitement of the world as I did with Morrowind. With Morrowind, as I improved, the world was less dangerous, but with Oblvion that would never be.

I did pre-order...I'm excited for Skyrim. I only get a month or so before the baby comes, so I know it'll be trying to enjoy as much as I can before forgetting storylines...and then of course Mass Effect 3 comes.
"General Woundwort's body was never found. It could be that he still lives his fierce life somewhere else, but from that day on, mother rabbits would tell their kittens that if they did not do as they were told, the General would get them. Such was Woundwort's monument, and perhaps it would not have displeased him." Watership Down, Richard Adams
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