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Old 11-10-2011, 12:33 AM   #513
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: JBLM, WA

That is interesting as in the grand jury testimony the fondling or something of sexual nature is not in quotes like other things are. It just clouds the picture even more what he really knew. As for the follow up that article had two things I found interesting.

— About a week and a half later, McQueary was called to a meeting with Curley and vice president of finance and business, Gary Schultz. He reported what he had seen and was told they would look into it. Paterno was not at that meeting.
— A couple of weeks after that, McQueary was contacted by Curley, who told him that Sandusky’s keys to the locker room were taken away and the incident reported to The Second Mile. Curley advised school president Graham Spanier of the information he’d received and the steps taken as a result. Spanier testified of his approval of the approach taken by Curley. The incident was not reported to the University Police or any other police agency.

If that is the case what does Paterno have to keep asking questions for? Granted it was not told to him, but is it out of the question McQuerry tells him what the results were or was told at a later time?
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