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Old 11-10-2011, 01:32 AM   #522
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
Is anyone going to dispute how easy it is to get an indictment? For anything?
Seriously? Anyone? Bueller?

I guess you'll have to excuse me if I find the parallels to the reaction incredibly striking ... alternately, you can go fuck yourself. {shrug} Either works for me.

It's not the indictment in this case though. It's a long history going back 15 years where people knew of accusations of this guy with kids. Penn St. told him to stop bringing kids to the campus. The implication there is, "it's ok man, just don't do it here"

If you play Devil's Advocate you could say that meant "Look Jerry, we know these allegations are horse crap, but we can't take the risk, leave the kids at home"

But even then how does that not get reported to the police? How could you hear an accusation of that nature and not demand it be investigated? That's the failure here. There were accusations before that Paterno knew about.He knew this allegation was serious. And yet he never bothers to ask his boss, "did you maybe report that to the police? Did you do anything to find out who the kid was?"

Paterno and the GA should have followed up with this. Paterno isn't the only one at fault here, but he's the one with the target on his back.

The Duke case involved a drunk hooker, a corrupt DA and was disgusting for a lot of reasons. This involves allegations going back to 1998. This involves multiple victims, not just one person making an allegation. If the facts of the case come out that Paterno really didn't know anything, I'll beg forgiveness, but I don't see how that is possible at this point. It looks like he, along with many other men chose to suspend belief rather than err on the side of caution and try to protect children who couldn't protect themselves. I'm sorry, but for me that's the bottom line. And his legacy will be forever tarnished by that poor choice
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