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Old 11-28-2011, 09:24 AM   #18
Join Date: Sep 2007
June's Premier CL Rookie Named
Thursday, July 1st, 2077: Youngster Jesús Cruz emerged as the latest Continental League Rookie of the Month today. The young man from Washington deserved the honor, batting .355 with 1 home run and 12 RBI. Is the month of June a harbinger of things to come or just a fluke? We'll find out someday, but for now, we'll just let Cruz enjoy the limelight.

On the year Cruz has hit .324 with 3 home runs, 26 RBIs and scored 38 runs.

Rookie Calton Jr. Named Best in June
Thursday, July 1st, 2077: Doug Calton Jr.'s eyes seem to light up whenever he sees the baseball. The young New York left fielder has been hitting everything in sight for the better part of a month.

In June he was voted the Rookie of the Month Award.

During the month he hit .247 with 7 doubles, no triples and 3 home runs. Calton Jr. also scored 11 times and drove in 13 runs.

Currently Calton Jr. has 5 home runs and a .237 batting average.
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