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Old 12-09-2011, 12:33 PM   #87
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Oakland, CA
Originally Posted by cuervo72 View Post
Gold, Rizon.

Also, I didn't know that the poll was now "Overall Attractive or Not." Or "this girl is hotter because she might actually talk to me."

Almost backs up my ponderings this morning:

9:55:01 am [cuervo72]: yeah, apparently married men aren't supposed to find Kate Upton hot
9:56:21 am [Morgado]: perhaps he needs to revisit the descriptor "sexy" - there's a reason we call it "sex appeal"
[The FOxL Lounge!]: QuikSand has entered at 9:56:30 am
9:56:38 am [cuervo72]: yeah, wanted to follow up
9:56:39 am [Morgado]: fuckability is exactly the point
9:56:44 am [Morgado]: hey quik
9:56:52 am [cuervo72]: I mean, what is supposed to be hot? the way my wife drives the kids in the minivan?
9:56:56 am [QuikSand]: SPEAKING OF TEH SEXAY
9:57:07 am [Morgado]: oh baby, you cook them ribs so goooood
9:57:19 am [QuikSand]: i confess that the depth of my research is not vast...
9:57:31 am [cuervo72]: cooking, thought of mentioning that
9:57:36 am [QuikSand]: but I would have pegged Kate Upton as a 99%er, to borrow a contemporary phrase
9:57:38 am [wademoore]: [cuervo72]: yeah, apparently married men aren't supposed to find Kate Upton hot <-- more specifically, I think married men aren't supposed to care about sex
9:57:39 am [Morgado]: that's exactly my reaction, cuervo
9:57:43 am [cuervo72]: (which wives do less and less of)
9:57:49 am [Morgado]: and I think wade has it right
9:57:59 am [QuikSand]: but i refuse to play the game over there
9:57:59 am [Morgado]: YOU NAUGHTY BOY, YOU
9:58:05 am [QuikSand]: i'll bish a bit here, but thats prob my limit
9:58:07 am [cuervo72]: is it possible she's TOO hot, and she's wrapping around the scale for these folks?
9:58:09 am [wademoore]: Quik; fwiw, she's not the hottest one that we've voted on this time around for me, but i see where you're coming from
9:58:15 am [Morgado]: lolz
9:58:17 am [QuikSand]: Atari Physics ftw
9:58:21 am [Morgado]: wrapping around the scale

This, and the INES (Internet Nerd Elitist Syndrome), where guys don't want to admit a hot girl is hot because it is conformist or something. Like they get their Nerd License revoked if they admit they krispy kreme their pants when a hot girl walks by or don't say the homely 4/10 is the hottest chick on the planet cause she reads Dostoevsky and has a nice smile.
Originally Posted by Pumpy Tudors View Post
It's hard to throw a good shot with a drunk blonde wrapped around me.
Originally Posted by Suicane75 View Post
I don't think I'd stop even if I found a dick.
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