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Old 12-30-2011, 05:05 PM   #71
CU Tiger
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Backwoods, SC
First off, I truly enjoy eating certain meats. A thic juicy steak, count me in. And if that is one of my pleasures in life, what is the purpose of sustaining existence if you remove all pleasures.

All that said, I am not sure how you conduct a fair study. I'd love to see a study of heart attack incidents in marathon runners, who eat meat for example. I imagine most who take on a vegan life style are also generally more healthy in general than a 2 pot of coffee, 2 pack of cigs and fried twinkie fiend. SO is it the meat causing the cancers, or the absence of exercise?

For example, many of my father's family lived long lives. His grandmother and her brother each live to 105. The brother (my great great uncle who I adored as a child) smoked and dipped snuff til his dieing day, enjoyed a shot of whicky now and then (every day) drank sweet tea so thick you had to chew it, and fried three meals a day every day he lived. BUT at 105 he died in his sleep after a full day of raking autumn leaves. I never saw the man sit before 6pm and then only for the evening news before he went back outside. A daily routine was fried bacon AND sausage with a fired egg for breakfast, a fried bologna sandwich for lunch (slathered in mayo) and some fried meat for dinner. So does he just have lucky genes? Or was his uncommon activity level the cure for the ailments?

I know very few lazy me I find activity level to be the biggest indicator, but admitttedly I have done no thorough scientific reseacrh study to test that theory. But there are many low carb advocates that subsist on 80+% meat based diets that claim to have lower incident rates of heart disease as well.
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