Thread: Board Games
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Old 01-06-2012, 03:41 PM   #295
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Fresno, CA
Originally Posted by Breeze View Post
My son got Dominion for Christmas...we haven't played it yet (haven't wanted to wade through the instructions), any thoughts on this game?

It plays pretty well. Heck, Even I was able to get up and running with just the instructions in a short amount of time.

It is relatively quick to setup. It plays in under thirty minutes. There is a ton of material on the net to help you if you run into any trouble or questions.

My seven year old, who isn't all that quick to grasp games, can play. Even more importantly, he occasionally wants to.

Do the suggested starting card lineup, and then once you are comfortable, just randomly select the ten "kingdom" cards using the provided randomizer cards. There is one card of each kind with a different colored back. Shuffle those, and pick ten for your game.

There are some combinations that cause new players trouble, but they are mostly explained right there in the instructions.

Learn to love Library, Smithy, and Laboratory.

Don't be a Village Idiot. This is a term for players who manage to play through a bunch of villages during their turn, but haven't gotten enough else going on in their deck to actually accomplish anything.

You win the game by buying remember to focus on getting coin into your deck.

Now I've got to play tonight.
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