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Old 01-30-2012, 12:01 PM   #189
Solecismic Software
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Canton, OH
Originally Posted by RendeR View Post
It was, no matter your opinion of the play style or think of it as entertaining or not, an amazing match which was rivaled only by a few matches in the History of Tennis.

We can certainly agree to disagree here. I think some people, myself included, would be turned away from tennis as a result of the match.

Originally Posted by RendeR View Post
Comparatively, do you think the Miami/San Diego playoff game in '81 was "Top quality football" the entire way through? I don't. The majority of the 2nd half and the overtimes were boring mistake filled football. Does that diminish the excitement and the relevance of that game?

Of course it doesn't.

After watching hundreds of games, I've realized every single play is filled with mistakes. That's inevitable because you need 11 players working toward the same goal - they're all working against individuals determined to overpower them or trick them - and the play has to be well designed for the defense it encounters.

The Miami/San Diego game had so many moments of excitement that it stands out as a great game. I've never gone back and watched it again in its entirety, so you may well be right about quality. I'm remembering it through the lens of a teenager who, strangely at the time, was a Dolphin fan who lived or died with every play. It's probably the only NFL game where I yelled at television as much as I did (pre-Rodriguez) for Michigan games.

The Dolphins were a balanced team that was playoff quality, but not quite good enough to challenge for a Super Bowl. The Chargers had one of the great offenses of all-time, but a weak defense. I understand what you're trying to say here in terms of Winslow's exhaustion and the length of the game and the extra offense without great defense, but there is so much more going on in football than in tennis (more an individual battle) that I don't agree with the comparison.

Last edited by Solecismic : 01-30-2012 at 12:01 PM.
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