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Old 02-15-2012, 01:30 PM   #16
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
I had the following PMed to me by someone interested in playing...and I felt it was a good question that should probably go here...

"Just read through the first one, looked like a blast! I noticed there were a lot of injuries and I was wondering if the injury probability has anything to do with ratings or if it was strictly based on choices in the events. Also, will the "A"/"B"/"C" table scoring system from last time be getting used?"

Ok, so I guess the best thing to do here is to breakdown the game mechanics that way it will be easier for you to follow along...(I hope...and given my track record with trying to explain this stuff, probably famous last words)

Think of the game as a spreadsheet. Each event is a column, each outcome is a row. The outcomes are chosen based on a random number (in the orginal game dice are used). This number ranges from 10 - 39, with 10s being 1/6 of the possible results, 20s being 1/3, and 30s being 1/2. The injuries are preset in the table - so the possiblity of injury is present in every event (though never on a safe attempt at a field event), and obviously the more attempts taken the possibility of getting an injury also in a way - yes the more you try the greater the possibility of getting hurt.

The A,B,C scoring table is now an A,B,C,D,F scoring table - where there is more separation between the top and bottom performers (hopefully, creating a reward penalty situation based on where stats are placed in the 10 skill sets). This time around the athlete card creation is much more refined, as I was able to maintain the statistical weighting originally setup inside the game, rather than completely randomizing the card creation (hopefully this will make the grades earned more important to results)...

Hope that answers your question...

Let me know if you have more...
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