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Old 03-30-2012, 07:33 PM   #147
BYU 14
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: The scorched Desert
Originally Posted by RainMaker View Post
FOK is based on pseudo-science.

If you're looking to lower your LDL, try eating salmon twice a week (or buy some fish oil capsules), oatmeal for breakfast a couple times a week, and snack on walnuts/almonds/peanuts. And if you haven't already done so, make sure your grains are always whole grain and you cook with olive oil. These are actual things that have been scientifically proven to work and will work. My Dad saw his drop from moderately high risk to just under the mark where they put you on drugs for it.

I was actually going to update this....The message they left was misleading. Since being on this diet (most of the time) my total Cholesterol dropped from 182 to 148, my triglycerides from almost 150 (Which was borderline high) to 88 and my LDL from 104 to 92. All of which are optimal numbers.

The issue was my HDL which went from 46 to 38, which caused my LDL particles, a new component of lipid profiles, to be borderline. Reasoning for this is there is not enough HDL to clean the particles out. So even though my LDL cound is solid, the particles that carry it are a bit high.

My doctor wants me to start Crestor to boost the HDL, which I am not going to do until I get a second opinion since the other numbers are so good. I already get plenty of exercise, so I have reintroduced Salmon, Halibut and Tuna to my diet and went from 1 Omega 3 pill a day to 3 (which is the recommended dosage)

Am also going to try a Niacin supplement and try to get the HDL up that way before I take Crestor as I don't want to start a daily pill that can jack others things up in terms of side effects if I can help it.

Weight is down 17 pounds to 207 since January 1st, which is only a couple pounds higher than it was when I blew my Achilles out last March, so that part is good again. I want to get between 195-200 which is right for my frame, so I am close there.
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