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Old 04-15-2012, 07:36 AM   #3232
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
My images always get hit first. I can also sleep a second target and thus more efficiently tank two targets. Your damage is only marginally better than mine. Hopefully I can get some spells to change that. I think there are five total levels of bricks

Originally Posted by hoopsguy View Post
How many levels of dark bricks are there? I think that would go into my thinking of how fast we push ahead.

We have benefited from not having to spend a single night licking our wounds in a room - every time we've pushed forward to a new room. I'm guessing that has allowed us to at least amass gear that meets/exceeds most of the folks in the dungeon. From an XP perspective, I think we are doing OK although I'm not quite sure how to judge this.

Last room we would probably have been fine with me + either of the other two in a party rather than three. Danny, your posts suggest that you are equal to me as a tank, but I don't think you can deliver the same kind of damage. That is only going to be magnified as we move down further levels. You are also assuming that all your mirror images go before you every time - if that is how the spell works, then maybe. But if there is a chance that you get attacked first then definitely not.

If you want to split, either on your own or with Jackal, be my guest. I think that would only be positive from my perspective in terms of weakening two competitors.

Finally, on the darker bricks topic - my gut says one more day on this level before moving onto the next set of bricks. We don't know if we got an easy/hard encounter relative to this level. It wasn't the hardest, or we would probably have gotten a message from the sprites telling us so.
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