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Old 04-26-2012, 01:59 PM   #8068
Pumpy Tudors
Bounty Hunter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
I feel special at work today. First, a brunette begged me to go to her desk so she could give me some very large chocolate chip cookies. They're as big as my head! Later, a blonde begged me to go to her desk so she could also give me some very large chocolate chip cookies. They're as big as my head, too! The most amazing thing is that there are cookies as big as my head, considering how big my head has gotten today.

This totally makes up for the disappointment I had last week when I asked my favorite person in the building if she wanted to be my hot date, and she said no.
No, I am not Batman, and I will not repair your food processor.
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