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Old 04-26-2012, 11:31 PM   #6402
Join Date: Nov 2003
Originally Posted by Abe Sargent View Post
I think the Lay Healer is a secret tank of massiveness and bhlloy was realizing it. Expertise and Toughen make clerics able to solo things, and the Lay Healer with Expertise and the armor of a Myrmidon doesn;t even need Toughen, which is subtly what makes them so good - able to use max armor and shield. Lay healer doesn;t waste a turn to heal, and has the HP and Attack ability of a fighter. I almost dropped Expertise from the cleric list because of the Lay Healer's ability to break it, and even though a lot of clerics went in that direction, I don't think it was that bad.

This is true, but I would bear in mind that I wouldn't have even have been able to take expertise but for the free two levels I got from hoops drinking the potion. If you could get past level 6 quick enough you might have a shot at winning but it's pretty tough to do on your own. Even with the two free levels I still didn't really get close to winning.

I think if I could do it again I might try and stick to a two person party but beggars can't be choosers, when Zinto and Julio came along I was barely scraping by the level 1 battles I was fighting. And honestly, I can think of one battle at least we may not have won if there were only two of us. There's very little room for error with that class.
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