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Old 05-22-2012, 12:54 PM   #440
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
Originally Posted by GoldenEagle View Post
That is exactly what you tried to do.

I am guessing that you picked me as the safe candidate. Again, I already mentioned that CF was buzzing around just waiting to be influenced to swing his vote one way or the other. Being a crafty player, you knew this. You put the AND in that sentence to sway those who don't read as closely as others.

I had my doubts that you were a wolf, but it looks more and more like that. The question is which of the three were you protecting and why?

Wow, I was just voting on probabilities, but looks like I've got a live one! You're awfully upset about one vote.

Why are you telling me "exactly what [i] tried to do"? Can you not see that I listed four people who voted for either Chubby or Chief? I mean it's right at the top of the page if you need to read it again. And clearly you do.
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