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Old 05-22-2012, 04:37 PM   #157
High School Varsity
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Los Angeles, CA
I will say that when it comes to viewing things that are unavailable in your country I see things a little differently. On a related Sherlock available on netflix streaming?

As for watching stuff widely available in the states, i just dont really get it. Almost everything on television is available in some legal way at this point, you just may not get to watch it the same day or the day after. The only exception would probably be channels like HBO where you have to have cable to even get HBOgo. You are not entitled to every program on tv at any moment just because it is possible to have it.

This particular forum seems to love the show "Community". I honestly wonder if any of the people who are so upset about Dan Harmon being fired were pirating it. Or those who were upset about Veronica Mars being cancelled, or Firefly, or Chuck, or any of the dozens of shows people bitch about being "cancelled before their time".
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