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Old 05-22-2012, 09:37 PM   #168
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Originally Posted by chadritt View Post
Wed have to go a bit more down the theoretical path but not all that far. I do believe that the success of shows on DVD directly influences not only whether the creators of those shows will get a new show of their own but also whether or not similar shows will be made. For instance I think that if, for example, Pushing Daisies suddenly became a HUGE dvd seller then you would see a network try to make a similar show even though it was not very successful in its initial run.

The only concrete example I can really think of right now is a show like Firefly where DVD sales played a huge part in getting the Serenity movie made which likely helped a lot of its actors get other jobs like Nathan Fillion on Castle.

Again this is where things get far more theoretical and youd need to look at things over a longer amount of time to know. I can say that buying a dvd is certainly MORE helpful to the people you care about on the show than pirating one but i cant put a really concrete cause/effect relationship to it.

As for Used DVD sales....i doubt they matter much. Like you said, the person selling it to you is the only one getting the money. I dont think youll see TV and Films trying to limit used DVD sales like the games industry does though, i think they just take it as an acceptable loss built into their business plan.

Another example is Babylon 5, which made so much money on DVD sales that it allowed for a direct to DVD product to be made.
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