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Old 05-26-2012, 02:12 PM   #723
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Turn 4

On the next turn. Five ogres pour through a door on the other side and join the fray. Alzar’s squad loses init. One giant frees himself from a tentacle by slaying it. The Babu is hit several times but takes half damage from most attacks, and is dealt 17 damage. The Air Elemental is hit twice for 11 damage. Another ballista bolt flies at Estaish but misses. Wassilon is nailed twice for 20 damage. Carum takes another 7 and an animal skeleton and a skeleton die.

Babau – 30/57
Air Elemental – 34
Wassilon – 5/25

Alzar orders Wassilon to retreat behind the line. He casts Conjure Earth Elemental and summons a 50 hp guy to add to the fray. The Air Elemental hits once for 7 damage on an Ogre. The Babau slays the ogre. The one on the tentacles dies., and a hill giant also dies. The gargoyles damage two giants seriously, and each is at 13 hp remaining. Bokus punches the Bear for 10 damage. A skeleton hits it and slays it. Another attacks a giant for 9 damage. Estaish hits for 6 damage.

Slain 6 Hill Giants, 5 Ogre, 1 Cave bear.

Slain – 5 skeletons, 1 animal skeleton
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