Thread: WW Math
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Old 05-31-2012, 07:03 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Not too far away
WW Math

Reading over my old Spawn games I came across a piece of math that bothered me at the time and I don't think I commented on it (being GM and all) but I think is important to get out there since I think statistics/probability offers a lot of value in WW and that value often goes untapped.

First a basic probability refresher:
Let's say you're flipping a coin. 50% comes up heads, 50% it comes up tails. So far so good. Now let's say you're flipping a coin 2 times. There are 4 possibilities that could happen for your two tosses:

Heads Heads
Heads Tails
Tails Heads
Tails Tails

There is, therefore, a 1/4 chance that the coin will come up heads both flips or tails both flips. Mathematically this is expressed as .5^2 in other words you multiply the chance that one particular event will happen (50% for heads) for each flip you're performing (2 flips) to find out the chance that this string of events will occur. Flip a coin 3 times and the math becomes .5^3 or about 13% that you'd get either all heads or all tails for those 3 flips.

Still with me, I hope.

So in WW it's easy to figure out the odds that in any particular group of people that there would be 1 wolf or at least would be easy if we knew definitively how many wolves there were in a game. For instance, if there were 4 wolves in a 20 person game, or a .2 chance that any one person is a wolf) if you randomly select groups of the following sizes here are the odds that at least one of the people in that group would be a wolf:

1 person = 20%
2 people = 36%
3 people = 49%
4 people = 59%

Click the spoiler for more a detailed explanation of how the math works there.

So if you just randomly take any random group of 4 people in a game of 20 players with 4 wolves you've got pretty decent odds of finding a wolf.

Now let's say you're the seer and you scan one of those 4 people and you find out they're not a wolf (or you're one of the 4 randomly selected people). What are the odds that at least one of the other 3 are a wolf?

Well since you know 100% for sure one of the people is not a wolf you would then have a 4 in 19 chance for each of the other people. This means that there is now a 49% chance that at least one of the people in that group of 4 is a wolf.

The math is

There's a lot of other ways statistical analysis can be applied to WW and I'm happy to go over those ways if anyone wants because again I think some basic understanding of stats/probability can help with wolf finding analysis.

BTW this is the post with the bad math that caused me to write this up.

Last edited by Barkeep49 : 05-31-2012 at 11:33 AM.
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