Thread: Board Games
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Old 06-14-2012, 07:52 PM   #595
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Aug 2008
Outside the box, the only difference I see, the Blue guy in the bottom right hand corner of the top of the box is now a red clothed dude.

Eclipse is the big new game to get. It's the only game since 2009 that's in BGG's top ten although Mage Knight will likely change that. Mage Knight was considered sold out in 8 days for it's 2nd printing. Lords of Waterdeep is the most likely picked game for best so far this year and it's at #49.

Note, selling out doesn't mean you can't find it in stores. You can. It's just once those copies are gone, they're gone.

The delay is made more annoying when Amazon shipped something to me today a day ahead of schedule and it was two day shipping to start.
Board games: Bringing people back to the original social network, the table.
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