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Old 06-17-2012, 01:18 AM   #1014
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
There are no walls or ceilings, but there is a billowing, pulsating grey fog that hangs over everything. Vision is reduces to a maximum of 60’ in all directions. Nothing ebbs the hanging of the mist. No infravision or sight penetrates the fog, not even the Dřkkálfar lenses. A rushing wind can be felt at the edge of the demonweb, and there is a maelstrom of aether and fog off of it. Alzar strongly recommends to keep the fighting on the web, because falling off could be fatal and eternal.

After a half hour of following the demonweb, a group of huge pedipalps fall down from above and arrive to attack Alzar’s party; there are five of them here. Alzar’s group moves in and slays them pretty quickly as none have more than 15 hp. It gives them a chance to suss out the new armor and weapons.

They continue down the path and reach another pair of underpasses. Alzar tries the Gem of Seeing, but it’s confused images come close to driving him mad and he pushes it away. They continue arrive at T section, with a group of creatures in front. Alzar goes invisible and moves up, and here are ten trolls on guard for anything coming up the Web. They notice him despite his invisibility due to the fog moving, and come in to attack. He orders his fellow fighters, undead, and the few summoned monsters that were pulled in to attack.

They win init and Alzar is attacked and missed due to his Cloak. His Lenses charm a Troll to his side and there are 9 left. Fighters slay one, and others slay another and badly damage a third. Alzar takes 25 damage and 15 is healed by Gamholt. Fighters with double attacks finish a wounded troll and badly carve into another. The Hell Hound breathes and slays it. They hit him for another 17, and three more die. 9 more damage is added and that’s the last time he takes damage. Acid destroys the trolls and finishes them officially.

The troll friend he has points out their treasure –

900 ep
Jewelry – 11000 gp total

Troll gained, 36/36 hp
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