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Old 06-21-2012, 01:51 PM   #45
High School JV
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Arlington Heights, IL
Phone call during the 1st Round of this year's NHL Draft

"Dylan, this is Doug Wilson, general manager of the Sharks."

"Yes, hi there Mr. Wilson. How are you, sir?"

"I'm good, thanks, other than having to make one of those phone calls that are always tough for a general manager."

"Okay . . . . . " (wheels starting to turn wildly in Dylan's head)

"Listen, Dylan, we think very highly of you, of your ability, and your potential to be a very good player in the NHL. As a testament to you, so do many other teams. Well, let me get to the point here. You probably were able to ascertain from watching us this year, we need help on the blueline. And of course, to get something of value, you need to give up something of value. When we approached Montreal about some of their defensemen, your name was the first one Pierre Gauthier mentioned. He is very high on you, thinks you have a great future ahead of you, as do we. He would not budge, he wanted you. So, Dylan, you have no doubt surmised by now that we have traded your rights to the Montreal Canadiens, along with our 1st Round pick this year, for defenseman Andy Greene and the 2nd Round Pick Montreal acquired from Chicago. Dylan, I want you to know that this was not something we necessarily wanted to do, or were looking to do, as we do feel very strongly in the future ahead of you. But as I said, to get something of value, something of value has to be given up. "

"Thank you for calling me personally, Mr. Wilson. I appreciate all you and the Sharks organization has done for me this past year, having the faith in me to select me last year."

"Dylan, you are a great kid, with a great future ahead of you. I know Pierre feels the same, and I am sure you will be getting a call from him shortly to welcome you to the Canadiens organization.'

"Thank you, Mr. Wilson."

"Dylan, best of luck to you in the future, and I look forward to watching your career develop . . . . . at least against everyone else!"

"Ha, thank you again Mr. Wilson."

Dylan hung up the phone, immediately turned on his Playstation 3 and NHL 13, and traded his virtual self to Montreal to get a glimpse of how he looked in a Montreal sweater. "Pretty nice," he thought to himself. He then thought of Luke in Dallas, and smiled as he now thought of the opportunity to play against each other in the Stanley Cup Finals some day.

Last edited by GoBlue2419 : 06-21-2012 at 01:52 PM.
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