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Old 06-27-2012, 01:28 PM   #1153
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The mad and vain enchanter Xenous Zopour did not want to age and die. Despite her 100+ years, with potions of longevity she had kept her youth. But she knew those were only temporary. In a fit of madness and depression, she bargained with Arentia, goddess of decay and disease. Arentia granted her desire to remain beautiful forever. The goddess ripped Xenous’s face off and placed it in this box.

What Alzar is looking at is a mask which can be placed over one’s own face, and Xenous’s one will blend in and it will appear that Alzar is Xenous, although he can take it off at any time. Xenous is an artifact.

Face of Xenous - Summon one of each elemental, 16 hd, no control, once/week; Cone of Cold, Telekinetic Gaze, 1000 coins, 2/day; Flesh to Stone, Web 1/day; Color Spray, Darkness, 15’, 3/day; Comprehend Languages at will - Fires in 60’ extinguished and temperature drops 20 degrees when power used. When non-evil touches it take 4d4 damage and age 1d4 years. INT 25, EGO 25, turn to CE if dominated.

As you can see, this is a very powerful artifact. Ansanther wants to finish it, but Alzar easily resists it’s pull. He can also just beat Xenous’s pull on him but he’d prefer not to use the Face if he doesn’t have to.

Alzar has finished this adventure, and here is his new XP Total. 1,435,676
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