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Old 07-20-2012, 08:44 AM   #56
Young Drachma
Dark Cloud
Join Date: Apr 2001
Aurora is nearly half minorities (14% black, 28% hispanic) but the borders of these places are so blurred that the reality is, Aurora is not exactly considered amongst the more sterling of the outskirt cities that make up the Denver Metro area. Sooo...if you were hunting for minorities, it's amongst the places you'd go to do it and have more success than other parts of the area (and in contrast to say, a part of the city where you'd likely encounter people fighting back.)

That said, this theatre is off of I-225 so it'll attract folks from all over that part of Denver.

Hard to say whether he went to this theatre because he thought it was an easier target to pull off what he did (possibly) or if it was some kind of premeditated vendetta to target particular kinds of people. Because it seems more likely that it was just lax security or the fact that they'd specifically scoped this place out that might have induced its selection over something more sinister like specifically targeting as many of a particular group as he could get.

Though as it's been mentioned, one of the people killed was an aspiring (White female) sports journalist who'd recently moved to Denver (read about it on Twitter and that's the twitter feed I was mentioned earlier about someone killed) and people like Scott Van Pelt replied to the dude who initially mentioned her and posted her Twitter handle for everyone.

I guess we'll find out.

Last edited by Young Drachma : 07-20-2012 at 08:47 AM.
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