Thread: Board Games
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Old 08-10-2012, 11:46 PM   #779
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Aug 2008
Day one of DaveCon. I got three games in. Shadow Hunters was first. It's deduction game, but I wasn't that fond of it. There's cards that help you figure out who's on what side, but there is this damage aspect that brings in player elimination. The problem is players can start damaging other players way before you have any sort of idea if they are on your side or not. I think a second play makes it better, but not a game I'm busting to play again.

I finally got to play King of Tokyo with some other people and won. It was a nice and hard fought game. I won due to being the last person standing, but the person I eliminated had 19 VP.

Ra is one of those games where you see a review of it and go, "That's it?" So Survive: Escape from Atlantis got shot down due to one player not liking it and maybe the time issue and we played Ra instead. Whatever cons I had towards the game were solidified. The game is purely about the mechanics of the auction. The good part is the auction is rather good. During the second round I had this fear I was going to end up with negative points and continue to completely suck at the game. Third round came and I pulled off a decent enough round to finish at least within reason from the other players. Still in last, but at least not so bad I never wanted to play it again.

I saw a ton of games I have really wanted to play and hopefully I get the chance to do so tomorrow. I watched Tikal get played since I own it, but have yet to play it. I was definitely impressed with it and I now should be good to go in terms of teaching it. I talked to some kids about Survive and they wanted to know if I would bring it tomorrow. I need to add Hey, That's My Fish as well. Talked to one guy about Summoner Wars, but never did play. He has Eclipse so I'm way more than geeked about getting a play of it in tomorrow if all possible. I saw Egizia, Brass, and London played. I was curious about Egizia, but it wasn't clicking for me from what I briefly watched. Brass is on the buy list once the reprint hits, but I came in way late to really get a feel for it. London I already saw reviews for, and it seemed OK. I saw somebody have a copy of Dungeon Petz and that's another "would love to play" game. This weekend needs to be two weekends long.
Board games: Bringing people back to the original social network, the table.

Last edited by Matthean : 08-10-2012 at 11:46 PM.
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