Thread: Board Games
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Old 08-23-2012, 12:15 AM   #794
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: The Great Northwest
Originally Posted by Matthean View Post
While I never kickstarted it, I did preorder Glory to Rome: Black Box edition. As it is hopefully nearing it's epic end, I've still got one foot out the door just waiting for any sort of screw up, and I'll switch my order at CSI and get something else. If King of Tokyo: Power Up! was in preorder, I would have switched. The main issue isn't when I would get it, but the fact there are reports now of component issues due to the fact that the shipment essentially sat for a month while in Boston, some of the boxes show wear from it, there's smudging, and other little issues going on.

Still trying to decide on The Manhattan Project. I'm kind of kicking myself for not making sure to play it at the local Con. It sounds great on paper, but then people mention the negatives and I start pausing. One person said a player could place 12 or 21 meeples(can't recall) in a turn so there are possible huge issues with game length, and the right bomb being built can end the game far quicker than expected since it can give you 4/5th of the VP you need to win. For a $75 KS buy in, those aren't really the kind of issues I want. At that price, I could pick up a lot of wishlist gaming in other items. Likely going with a no on the TMP KS project. I still got like 8 days to go.

I got my copy of Glory to Rome last Thursday.
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