Thread: Board Games
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Old 09-09-2012, 09:51 PM   #816
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Aug 2008
Well, until further notice my gamer group is dead. We started at 8 and then went to 9, 2, and 1 that's including me. I know of a number of people outside the group who play but don't come. I had a person e-mail this past week about it, and they didn't show. I have talked to a number of people about specific games that I have and they show genuine excitement about playing them. I tell them let me know when they want to game and yet they never do. One guy came when we had nine people, and he was obviously pumped about the group only to see him never show again. I don't get it. There's a number of people who play but yet organizing a group seems impossible right now.

I'll have to try again with the local area gamer group but the last meeting I went to nobody showed but that might have been in part due to GenCon. Adding to my frustration is one of the guys who I do game with a couple of times per year only seems to want to play Starcraft and that gets really old with its random factor and over 2x play time when my friends are involved.
Board games: Bringing people back to the original social network, the table.
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