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Old 09-13-2012, 01:01 AM   #9
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Autumn 1273 -- Battle for Meissen

Nearly 600 men approached the town, and found 700 ready to fight them, including 150 archers and 100 pikemen. This would not be easy, esp. if they were smart about where they chose to fight.

Fortunately for the ambitions of I, Earl of Huntington, they were not. We drew up against the in a nearly completely open field. I separated about 100 of the Burgundians to flank them and engage their archers -- it was critical to occupy them and not allow to slaughter our peasants en masse, even if it cost us in the main battle line.

It worked flawlessly, and even so the battle was in doubt for some time, and casualties were very high even on our side. Well over a thousand fell combined between the two sides, and we had less than 150 men left when it was over. Still, a victory is a victory -- it has been a banner year for the Earl.
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