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Old 09-13-2012, 02:44 AM   #15
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2009
1. No soda. -- I took one soda to work instead of two. Had none in the evening. WOW!
4. No ice cream. (unless out with family, then only small) - Craved a milkshake all day. Too lazy to go get it. Yay
8. No buying breakfast. - This morning I was going to buy a chonga bagel from starbucks. I resisted. Maybe I'll celebrate tomorrow with a bagel and a shake!
9. No candy bars. - None
13. No skipping exercise (30 min per day cardio min.) - Did extreme bus-catching and hill walking. Also added in a jog home.
26. Eat fruits and vegetables --Peach and tomatoes and carrots
27. Read one chapter from any book. -- Read Chapter two of Alien Art by Gordon R Dickson
28. Learn one lesson from any online course --Started a Java course by downloading materials and software
30. Do a job search for half hour. - Talked to a guy about a job. Seems promising

6. No staying up late. (10p week/11p weekend) -- Looking at 1 AM
5. No eating after 8pm. --Cereal at about 10.
7. No cookies. - 6 today
12. No sleeping in (out of bed at 6am). - Hit the snooze button 7 times.
17. No neglecting oral hygiene. --Forgot to brush teeth in the morning. Did so Twice this evening.
19. No computer addiction (no computer at home, 1 hour on weekend). - ummm....
20. No television addiction (3 hours per night, 15 per week). - Watched STTNG and Lost pilots and another Walking Dead episode + Futurama. That breaks the cap.
25. No buying lunch. --Took another yummy sandwich and ate on the docks.

Last edited by CrimsonFox : 09-13-2012 at 02:48 AM.
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