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Old 09-14-2012, 02:46 AM   #16
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2009
It was indulgence day...

1. No soda. - 3 sodas and tea
4. No ice cream. (unless out with family, then only small) - a big malted crunch shake
5. No eating after 8pm. The Shake from #4 and burger fries and tacos from #18
6. No staying up late. (10p week/11p weekend) - GOing on 1 AM but that's cause i have no work tomorrow. I'm very tired tho.
8. No buying breakfast. - I bought the chonga bagel from starbucks as I needed something. Creamcheese too.
12. No sleeping in (out of bed at 6am). - snoozed til 7:30
15. No more caffeine abuse (2 drinks per day max) - 3 cokes and tea
18. No burgers AND fries. - Burgers and Curly fries!....AND tacos!
19. No computer addiction (no computer at home, 1 hour on weekend). - Some staring at fofc and email yeah.
24. No popcorn. - I had popcorn. So what!

7. No cookies. - None.
9. No candy bars. - none
10. No gorging pizza (2 pieces max) - NOne
13. No skipping exercise (30 min per day cardio min.) - Did a little bike riding before the handlebars started falling off
20. No television addiction (3 hours per night, 15 per week). - Only 1 1/2 hrs tonight. Fell asleep during walking dead. Altho I think it's just because it's starting to suck.
25. No buying lunch. - I brought lunch but bought dinner
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