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Old 09-14-2012, 10:17 AM   #20
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006

In the middle of the year, a leftover garrison of the Bishop from Thuringia, almost 500 archers, engaged what was left of the army and we lost 100 men to it. In the Autumn, as we approached the Baron's final stronghold in Frisia, he sent out an army of nearly 500, with 140 knights. Potentially dangerous, but overwhelming force allowed us to win with a loss of less than 60.

Almost 1100 men remained to take on the Baron's castle, where he used his boiling oil well but did not have enough quality infantry to make a real stand. Another 300 were lost, but it fell and his final defeat was secured. I have another county to rebuild, and now hold more than the other nobles combined.

Population: 7,751(+1,256)
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