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Old 10-17-2012, 12:23 PM   #96
Ben E Lou
Morgado's Favorite Forum Fascist
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Greensboro, NC
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
A concentrated effort to avoid the segregation academy label perhaps? I know that sounds kinda cynical of me but let's just say I'm familiar with situations where image is a major motivation for a number of things.
There is zero question that Brookstone was founded as a segregation y own story of going there is pretty straightforward: I won the state math competition in 7th grade, and an article appeared in the Ledger-Enquirer with my picture, and the article did the typical smallish town newspaper thing, something along the lines of: "Ben is the son of Robert and Esther Lewis and attends St. Thomas Episcopal Church. Mr. Lewis is a retired army officer and works for the US Postal Service, and Mrs. Lewis is a homemaker." Within two weeks, we were bombarded. It's as if Brookstone's recruitment coordinator saw the picture of a black kid winning the state and immediately called a special board meeting where they sat around the table and said "Anyone know his parents? Who do we know at St. Thomas? Who do we know at the Post Office?" In all seriousness, in those next 2-3 weeks, different people approached us at church, my dad's work, and even my freakin' orthodontist (who, it turned out, was on the Board Of Directors,) at my next appointment after the article appeared, asked my mother and me if we'd considered Brookstone. Columbus does have an evangelical subset that's sorta puritan-like in its opposition to bigotry and whatnot (that group got together and threw Jen and me a big ol' expensive wedding party, and successfully boycotted the country club over some bigotry-related issues.) But I never got the impression that they had any particular power at Brookstone. I guess I could be wrong about that and that same group's influence is behind it. (While Columbus is more medium-sized in population, it still operates like a small town, and the people I'm talking about probably represent 15-30% of the country club's membership. )

Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
Stephenson upset Tucker 13-6
Not a HUGE upset here. Stephenson was ranked #4, and Tucker #1. By all accounts, either team is capable of winning if there's a rematch. Tucker, I'm told, made too many mistakes.

In the "GOODNESS, I'm feeling old!" department, I overlooked who was named Head Coach at the T-U-C when the last coach departed for greener pastures. Bryan Lamar played for Tucker when I started doing YL there, and now he's Head Coach. The last several coaches have left for better high school jobs, which, given Tucker's level of success over the last couple of decades, may sound weird to outsiders. Marist, Tucker's arch-rival, has had one Head Coach since I started doing YL there 15ish years ago. Tucker, which has had very similar success over that time frame, has had six. The reality is that DeKalb County's administration is not terribly friendly to big-time football, and several places quite nearby in metro Atlanta are, so there's a lot more money and a lot more perks to be had by using Tucker as a proving ground, then moving on. I'm guessing that part of Bryan's appeal is that Tucker is home, making him more likely to stay longer.

But it still makes me feel crazy old.
The media don't understand the kinds of problems and pressures 54 million come wit'!

Last edited by Ben E Lou : 10-17-2012 at 12:23 PM.
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