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Old 10-18-2012, 01:53 PM   #3
Young Drachma
Dark Cloud
Join Date: Apr 2001
1861 Lake Tahoe Syndicate

The normally splashy Syndicate return to SLOP 24 as two-time defending AL champions. Subby's biggest trick this off-season was offloading Cliff Marshall's behemoth contract to St. Louis in return for a lottery pick (3rd overall) which is no small feat, though he also had to fork over $25m in the process, which is probably why the Syndicate have sat this off-season out.

Chicago pilfered 21-game winner Jarrod Karnes, leaving the Syndicate short an ace to throw behind 27-game winner Freeway Chris Ross who seemed to earn his huge contract last year helping the Syndicate back to the doorstep of the league's crown.

There's no doubt that this year's Syndicate will lose a step from the 97-win pace they had last year contending with a $75m payroll, but they've got the offense to compete and there are still a number of hurlers available in late stage free agency that could give them enough juice to contend for that 3rd playoff spot.

Make no mistake, these guys are either going to be a huge pain in your ass who just miss the playoffs or the sort of team that you're not going to want to match up against should manage to squeak into the playoffs this year. They'll be in the conversation no doubt.
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