Thread: Board Games
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Old 10-22-2012, 08:58 PM   #972
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Aug 2008
Ok, thought about it and my head cleared to where I remembered I have one wargame, I have two on the way, at least four on my wish list, and that's without going into the games that are part of a series. I struggle getting 2-player games as is. Realistically, the people who I would play wargames with I would just play Summoner Wars with anyway. I know someone mentioned it might be going OOP, but I think it will be like Brass. It will go away for some time and then it will get reprinted latter on after interest builds up again. I don't see how a Top 40 game simply goes away forever. Up Front is getting reprinted and that has been OOP for a long time. I see the deal, I recognize the awesome, but I'm putting the money into Suburbia since that will get played way more.
Board games: Bringing people back to the original social network, the table.
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