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Old 01-11-2013, 01:38 AM   #503
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2009
And just as you're feeling all proud of yourselves
Out the lights go again
Someone should really fix the wiring in this old old old place.

The bay doors blow open once again!

In answer the thinder cracks and the lightning smacks!
And you see a dark figure inside of your room.

Well technically all of you are dark figures because you're like in the dark and all.

"Oh, you mr. monster" you say, "You with your big cape and you with your wings and you picking up our friend and biting him again..."

"Oh do not mind me..." your friend says very quaint.
"Why this reminds me of a parable...yes...a parable...
Taken from the good book.....and paul went out and preached to the romans and to the coughkaphesians and sailed cross the globe and bade him spoke they and they all followed him to the desert to see what he was talking about and he told them stop that because they were doing it wrong. You do it like this and then sing a song and you follow the good book and all will be well and then he bade them come and he fed them and ouch that quite hurts and he told them about his mother and father uriah and how uriah had come ouch by blood give that back and from josiah and how josiah had come from zekeriah and how zekeriah had come from Jamiah stop drinking that and how jomiah had come from googalima and how googalima and come from Tryziah and how tryziah listened to mariah and was gave birth by Triptomya and how trytomiah was...

and soon you forgot what you all were doing...your eyes had glazed over and you started to drift all away and nod off to yourself...even the monster in the room starts to nod...

And when you find your friend had stopped preaching and well he is over there...and over there...and over there...he is all over....well bits of them here and bits of him there...

You know how when a mosquito is sucking your blood and he gets cut off in mid drink and it then explodes, the same such thing happened it seems in reverse. Whatever was drinking from him fell asleep with its fangs (for you find the pale neck and for sure it has fangmarks) deep into the throat drinking long from his artery. But it must have fallen asleep and snored out and things clotted and then reversed and suddenly the great blood whirlpool went kablooey...

And so your friend, the Reverend, the longwinded Reverend Bland, the good Reverend Lochlan Wearsome Bland, or Passacaglia the villager to his good friends, had passed and you mourn for his...


So you close the door.

Last edited by CrimsonFox : 01-11-2013 at 02:35 AM.
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