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Old 01-17-2013, 12:19 PM   #136
Suburban Rhythm
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Pittsburgh
Originally Posted by CU Tiger View Post
First by definition assault weapons are and have been for a long damn time illegal for anyone to own without an ATF tax stamp.

Definition an assault weapon is one with selectable fire between fully automatic and semi automatic. Any full auto weapon requires very select and long drawn out acquisition processes.

The repeated mantra of assault weapon ban becomes a non starter for a conversation for me, they are already banned.

For example I possess the legal right to own silenced high powered rifles. I'm going to be vague here for some privacy, but one of the reasons is we shoot on our farm and we used to get complaints about the neighborhoods that bloomed around us. Despite the fact that we shot into a 25' high burm that is over 40ft thick of packed dirt. and the nearest house is over a mile beyond that structure. If we were shooting we would get complaints.

So I went through the nearly 2 year process and I am legally allowed to make and purchase "silencers"...

I think there may be some logic in clip limits...but Im not sure where. I can tell you the first time my wife expressed an interest in wanting to shoot I took her to an interactive range and placed a pistol in her hands. A sprinting attack target covered 25 yards before she landed a fatal hit on shot 12...she isnt alone in that accuracy range.

I got to be honest the thought of an inside job crossed my mind the day it happened...but I dont believe that is what happened. But when Obama cried on TV and said "There will be a time for dialogue in the near future" seemed mighty contrived to me.

No offense meant to your wife or you, but I have a hard time justifying "this person isn't very good with this tool, so you can't limit them to 2 or 4 rounds. It needs to be 20 or 40"

How's that any different than "my wife...she's not a great driver...she has a hard time not drifting into other lanes."

One gets their license taken away, or is no longer insurable.

I just have a hard time saying we need to make options available for people who maybe shouldn't be carrying a gun/driving in the first place.

(and yes, I know gun owership is a "God given right", and driving is merely a "privlege").
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