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Old 02-14-2013, 02:33 PM   #5213
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: the yo'
Lets see-

Skyfall-6.5/10 I enjoyed certain elements of the story, such as Bond's homestead and some of the M/Bond interplay. But ultimately I liked the previous two Bond movies quite a bit more than this one. I imagine that most people will disagree with this. The entire third act was almost ridiculous...I understood how the plan had to be somewhat ill conceived and whatnot, but it was pretty crazy how they played it out.

Battleship-It's pretty hard to rate this, because it was substantially flawed and the dialog was horrible. It got like a 34% on RT. I however love both Tim Riggins, Landry and Pete Berg so it is hard for me to fairly rater the movie because it had some enjoyable elements. It was on HBO this month, and you still will probably find enough entertaining stuff in there to find it worth watching. Ultimately the greatest problem was that they decided to base the movie on the game Battleship, which is totally dumb and probably caused many people to overlook it. I'd say it's a 5/10 or so guilty pleasure.

Last edited by stevew : 02-14-2013 at 02:37 PM.
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