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Old 03-10-2013, 11:36 PM   #293
Pro Strategy Football
High School JV
Join Date: Dec 2012
Thanks, Jimbo, I'm thinking of several options. I'm still open to the idea of one app (would need to be the basic one, with other options as in-app purchases), but I need to think about the UI. I can always change that, I'm focusing on the functionality right now.

If I make the "family" one a separate app, I figure I'd charge less and hopefully broaden the audience to people who don't want the full monty. The other reason to keep them separate is that the more options I add, the more complex it becomes just to start a game, and I'm already concerned, because I read over and over that today's app purchasers want quick and easy. Click "Play" or "Load" rather than lots of choices.

For example, there could potentially be all these combinations:
(a) basic game, exhibition, vs computer
(b) basic game, exhibition, hot swap versus another person
(c) basic game, exhibition, simulate (computer vs computer)
(d) basic game, exhibition, multiplayer (network)

(e-h) advanced, same options

(i-p) now add in season play, all above (hopefully adding network play)

That's 16 options just to start a game, and for the life of me, I haven't found a nice friendly way to do that - AND that's not counting career mode. Career mode, though, which has several other options on its own screen.

I agree that I'd like to have it in one app, but I am concerned about the UI.

Thanks again.
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