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Old 03-17-2013, 09:16 PM   #1508
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: St. Paul, MN
With the elevators inoperable, you begin the long trek up the stairs towards the penthouse of the Ivo Shandor building. About halfway up the stairs, the lights go out and you hear a scream. You hear the whine of proton packs being turned on and weapons firing towards the sound. The lights come back on and you see the remnants of bhlloy lying on the stairs. His body gives no sign of having been supernatural in origin.

You wait for the other shoe to drop, but nothing happens. You continue to climb and all of a sudden hear multiple enormous cracks of thunder. You find renewed energy and head up the stairs until you finally reach the penthouse. Down the hall, you see the suite has an eerie light coming from it. Busting down the door, you realize the room is in massive disarray and the windows have been blown out. Another stairway leads up and you climb it. You see a horrible sight as you reach the top.

Two terror dogs have taken up positions outside of a temple. Two figures are standing before them holding hands while beams of light emmenate from them towards the temple. You realize you have no hope to stop them without extreme action.

Egon, who you realize now is Chubby, turns to Venkman, who you now realize is Autumn:

"The door swings both ways. We could reverse the particle flow by crossing the streams."

"I thought you said crossing the streams was bad."

"There's definitely a very slim chance we'll survive."

There's no time to come to another course of action. They both switch on their proton pack weapons and cross the streams...


bhlloy was a Citizen of NYC
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