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Old 04-10-2013, 12:42 PM   #261
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2006
I've been thinking about it all day but I don't really know what to do. I know we're being lead up an alley. I wanted to hold on and see how the votes fell and I've pretty much done that with only Chief and Packers left to vote.

I'm Madame Clairvoya and Lathum is a wolfy. I'm worried I tipped my hand too much early this morning. In retrospect I should probably have voted somewhere else and held on for another night. But what is done is done. My scans are;

Night 1: Danny - villager
Night 2: Lathum - not villager

You won't believe how many times I changed my mind about scanning Lathum - I didn't believe he would pull the "vote me" stunt on day one. I was going to scan Packers. Then Chief. Then Lathum. Then Packers. And then Lathum. But after the last couple of games I couldn't leave it alone so I scanned him and he's a big, fat wolfy-wolf. This makes up for the other games at least. Even if I am going to go to my untimely fate tonight.
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