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Old 05-28-2013, 08:18 PM   #347
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Seattle, WA
Originally Posted by murrayyyyy View Post
He realizes that he will have to bend a knee eventually to a King but wants some answers to these things first... (sound like he is probably two days away from deciding)

1.) How does he anticipating adding a second "Enemy of the Realm" to his bannermen? There are penalties associated with this.
2.) What impact will having a new bannermen come into his existing mix? Given the win conditions of "three bannermen" that suggests that there would be potential for jealousy within his own house.
3.) If I were to bend the knee at the end of the day tomorrow, how does he envision the alliance management proceeding? My concern with any faction that I join is that it leads to the other two immediately taking up arms against that House.

Also wants to know how the next house he joins won't lead to the fall of that house much like the one he has just left.

Good questions. My thoughts:

1) This is affordable in order to get that many men.
2) There will be war and bannermen will be killed or voted, whether we like it or not. I intend to have my original bannermen be my final standing bannermen. I doubt we'll be lucky enough for that to happen but it is a matter for later.
3) I am quite tempted to declare preemptive war on Stannis if he keeps being an obstinate fool. I understand this may be why he is so indecisive but frankly I'd rather give the kingdom to Stark at this point than he. At the same time I am, I state here, negotiating in good faith to try and get a solid agreement. This is in part why I am so fucking frustrated today.

Any house can fall. I'd rather find a way for this particular house to win. And I think Tywin can help us do that.

Your thoughts? Brienne? Penrose?
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
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