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Old 05-30-2013, 08:02 AM   #232
Alan T
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mass.
So I'm done running for the month. Today and tomorrow I am taking off to rest for a 10k race on Saturday. My goal for the month was to run 110 miles, and I ended up running 123 miles (198 km) [Strava only shows 192k, not sure why the difference, but no big deal].

Either way, I'm pretty happy with the month and the training I put in and I think I am very ready for the 10k race. My training went as I hoped, and my legs will be fresh and I don't have any injuries so all things considered pretty much everything in my control is good.

My goal for this year was to finish a 10k race in under an hour, and during my training I came close so the adrenaline boost from the race should hopefully be sufficient to get me to my goal. According to my VO2 score of 33 (which is not great at all), I should be able to run it around a 58 minute and I'm actually hopeful that I could beat that even, but 1 hour is my main goal.

My big concern is going to be the weather though.. considering 60 degrees is the ideal max temperature, this weekend is going to be hot here, 80+% humidity with temperature in the high 90s (Saturday high of 96 degrees). At race time of 9am, it should be around 77 degrees I am thinking and a 70-80% humidity.. which is not ideal at all.

Based on Daniels table for projected adverse impact of high temperature for 5k times, the difference between 60 degrees and 80 degrees is almost a minute. If that is expanded out to a 10k race, my guess is that would remove my 2 minute buffer and put me dangerously close to the 1 hour time I am trying to beat... So I guess we will see how it goes..
Couch to ??k - From the couch to a Marathon in roughly 18 months.

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