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Old 06-04-2013, 02:53 PM   #984
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Fantasyland
Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan View Post
Thinking about buying the game. Looks like fun to me.

I also gave this a test drive. It has charm, but the version I played (which was like v6) wasn't much fun. The sounds and the lack of prisioner control quickly became annoying.

Every game was the same. Prisioners didn't use areas like the library or other rec areas even though I had ample time budgeted to those activities, so they grew restless. They'd then destroy the kitchen area, which made for hungry annoyed prisoners, so they became more restless. Whoopie. I never could figure out to make a satisfied prisioner because of the mechanics of the game, not because they didn't have access to stuff. Also, after a while the money only trickled in, resulting in long waits between building projects. So I'd go read some out of a book while the money built back up. Whee.

There's probably a good game there, but the version I played just wasn't there yet. Given that the deveoper is charging pretty tidy sum for it ($27) as compared to many other indie games, I just figured it was better to wait until it was done and polished.

As always, YMMV
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