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Old 07-04-2013, 07:18 AM   #803
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
8/24 Radio Broadcast Continued

The Dead Ball Era crowd
has been pretty quiet
Here is Walsh to lead off
He will try to liven things up for them
Walsh steps out...
Takes a few more practice swings...
Now he's ready
Walsh is set in the batter's box
He's staring intently out at Williams
He's waiting for the pitch
The pitch is on the way
Sinking line drive
Caught by Jeff Nights
That's one away

That brings up Collins
FOFC is ahead by 1
We're in the bottom of the 5th
FOFC has the outfield shaded towards right
Collins is 0 for 2 today
Eddie stands with bat ready
The southpaw Williams' delivery
on the 3-1 pitch
Collins lays one down to
the left of the mound
Williams and Hays are after it
Hays is up with it
Over to first
Safe by two steps!
Great bunt!
Bunt single for Eddie Collins

Here comes George Sisler
No, he is returning to the
Dead Ball Era dugout
He apparently noted a problem with his bat
Now he has a new one
Williams gets the sign
Williams fires
Big slow curve...
And it's in there, strike three
That's the second out of the inning

Here's the 5'11 1/2", 193
pound, Texas-born
Tris Speaker strolling to the plate
Tris steps out of the batter's
box to get the sign
Tris is 0 for 2 today...

Collins kicks the dirt at first
George Burns says something to him
Williams steps on the rubber...
Looks in for the sign
Williams quick pitches the 0-2 offering
Bouncer to second
Blade comes up with it
Over to Potpie
Got him!
Score It: 4-3
That's all for the Ghosts
After 5 innings in Dead Ball
Era this evening,
FOFC on top 3 to 2

Here's the catcher Hays
To lead off the inning
He'll be followed by Deacon Palmer
And then Gerald Gazelle
The outfield's shaded towards
left for Hays
He's 0 for 2 today
Hays waits for the pitch
His bat is coiled
Here's his delivery
Slow ground ball
Wallace is charging it
He fires it to first
He's OUT

Up next for the visiting All Stars
Deacon Palmer, their third baseman
Palmer looks down toward
the third base coach
Deacon steadies his bat
And waits patiently for Walsh's pitch
Walsh brings it to the plate
Fastball, busted in on the hands
Palmer manages to get a piece of it
Bouncing it over the mound
Collins cuts it off in front of the bag
Rifles a throw to Sisler...
And Palmer is called out on a close play
Two men gone, nobody on
FOFC leads by 1

Next up is Gerald Gazelle, the
FOFC center fielder...
If he gets on, Jeff Nights would bat next
Gerald steps out of the batter's
box to get the sign
Gazelle is 1 for 2 today
He doubled last time up
Right-hander Walsh eyes the righty Gazelle
We've got a full count...
Walsh winds and fires...
It's a wicked breaking ball
Out of the strike zone
Gazelle checks his swing
Schalk appeals to the first base umpire
Take a seat, Gerald
That's it for FOFC
Here at Shibe Park, After
5 and a half innings,
FOFC has 3 runs, 5 hits and no errors
While Dead Ball Era has 2 runs,
4 hits and no errors
FOFC has left 3 on base
Dead Ball Era has stranded 4

Max Carey, the Ghosts' left fielder,
is ready to lead off the bottom of the 6th
He can be a nightmare for pitchers
when he gets on
He's one of the league's
better base stealers
Carey grips the bat handle
Williams squeezes the resin bag...
Peers in
The lefthander delivers
He hits a tough grounder to short
Nights grabs it
Over to Potpie
Got him!
Score It: 6-3
So one up and one gone

Coming up for Dead Ball Era is Joe Jackson
Nobody on base, one out
Jackson has managed a .367 average
against lefthanders this year
Jackson is waiting on the pitch
With a 1-0 count, the pitch
Jackson skies one very high
The ball drifts a bit
Potpie calls for it
Puts it away!

Walking up now to the plate is Baker
Baker is batting .310 with
12 HR's this year
Williams is on the third-base
side of the rubber...
The southpaw's 2-2 delivery
Baker lines one just to
the right of Potpie
It's past him into right field!
Pflaggstettler hustles over
and fires it back into second
So Baker is on with a line single to right

Slowly coming up is Wallace
for Dead Ball Era
He is finally in the batter's box
FOFC leads 3 to 2
Baker will be running if it's hit
Williams is slow to get ready

He has a 3.67 ERA this year
Now he's ready
The southpaw Williams' delivery
Base hit to right for Wallace
Baker is racing towards third...
The throw is cut off...
That holds Wallace at first

Williams looks down at Schalk
as he steps in
Ray is ready to go
Williams has the sign he wants
Now John delivers
Schalk swings and lifts one toward right
Pflaggstettler drifts over slowly...
He is under it now...
And makes the easy catch...
We head to the 7th...
The score is still FOFC 3, Ghosts 2

Nights is walking to the plate
Now he steps into the batter's box
Nights goes through his routine
of settling in
Walsh steps on the rubber
The pitch is on the way
Letterhigh, hard slider...
Swung on...
It's a line drive belted toward Wallace
It's by him...
Carey comes in...
Plays it off his chest
Recovers quickly, throwing into second
Good defensive recovery
Keeping Nights to a single

Williams fouls off the bunt attempt
The count goes to 1 and 2, we'll have
to see if they keep the bunt play on
Williams squares as Walsh
delivers the pitch
Home Run Baker charges and
picks up the bunt
He fires to first
Just in time to nail Williams,
the sacrifice works
One away
While we wait for the next batter
Let's take a ten second station break
This is your Strat-O-Matic
Broadcast System
Your four sports network!

Blade digs in at the plate
Ready now for Walsh to come set
Blade is taking his practice swings
Barrett is 1 for 2 this evening
He flied out last time at bat
Schalk flashes the sign...
Walsh waves it off...
Now he's happy
And the delivery by Walsh
It's a shallow fly by Blade
Jackson runs in, calls for it
He makes the catch with
a snap of his glove
Blade is out
FOFC on top 3 to 2 with two away
Let's check some other scores as well

Caribbean is on top of Japanese
League 4 to 2
Negro League II is edging
AL Post WWII 2 to 1
AL Pre WWII is giving it to
NL Pre WWII 15 to 10
Left Outs with the lead over
Turn of Century 7 to 4
Goslin has hit his 26th
homerun for Left Outs
Negro League I and NL Post
WWII are deadlocked at 1
Paige battling Seaver
Old Timers is crushing Late 20th 13 to 3
I'd hate to be Glavine right now!

That brings up Stan Gunner,
the left fielder
Gunner is taking his practice swings
Stan is 1 for 2 this evening
Stan is set for the pitch
The pitch to Gunner...
There's a jam shot off the hands of Gunner
It's a routine catch of the soft
liner by Eddie Collins
That retires the side...
Gunner fails to come through in the clutch
For FOFC, No runs, one hit, no errors
and one man left on base

It's time for the 7th inning stretch!

Walsh steps up to the plate
for Dead Ball Era
It's the bottom of the 7th at Shibe Park
Walsh looks down toward the third
base coach, Jim Thorpe
Williams is rubbing the ball up
Now the umpire wants to take a look
No problems found...
Now Williams gets the sign from Hays
Williams' 2 strike pitch...
Fastball, swung on and missed
Take a seat Mr. Walsh!

Coming up for Dead Ball
Era is Eddie Collins
Nobody on base, one out
Collins has managed a .289 average
against lefthanders this year
Collins tells the umpire he's ready
The southpaw's 2-2 delivery
Grounded towards the sack
Potpie takes it to the bag himself
Score It: 3
Two down
Williams retires two in a row

Sisler coming up for Dead Ball Era
Nobody on, two away
FOFC ahead 3 to 2
Williams wastes no time
He has the sign from Hays
The lefthander delivers
It's a quail shot headed
towards the outfield
Blade takes off after it...
And Sisler is OUT!
Very impressive range shown on that play!
Barrett is very fine fielder!
And that will do it for Dead Ball Era

Pflaggstettler will be up,
but what's this?...

The umpiring crew is meeting
near the plate

As this rain we've had all
game has intensified
Will they stop the game?...

Guess not, looks like we'll continue...
Pflaggstettler steps back in to face Walsh
Persimmon comes to the plate batting .306
with 23 home runs

He is 1 for 3 so far today
Pflaggstettler is ready
Here's the 1-0 offering
There's a towering fly ball
hit by Pflaggstettler
Carey sprints over, and makes the catch
One down for FOFC
Jeeberoni Potpie is in the on-deck circle
ready to make his way to
the plate for FOFC

Nobody on base, one away
Potpie steps into the batter's box
Jeeberoni takes a couple of practice cuts
Potpie, a righthand hitter
Waits patiently for the pitch from Walsh
The righthander Walsh's delivery
Potpie hits a shallow fly
towards Max Carey
Carey charges, dives...
He's got it!
Good play by Carey

Harry Hays, the catcher,
strides to the plate
Hays is hitting .331 with 12 homeruns
Harry also has 9 doubles and 3 triples
And has driven in a total of 40 runs
Hays is poised and ready for the pitch
Walsh brings it to the plate
Fastball, a beauty...
Steee Rike THREE!
That wraps up the inning for FOFC
So After 7 and a half innings
FOFC has 3 runs, 6 hits and no errors
While Dead Ball Era has 2 runs,
6 hits and no errors
FOFC has left 4 stranded
Dead Ball Era has failed to bring home 6

It's Speaker to start things
for Dead Ball Era
FOFC ahead 3 to 2 in the bottom of the 8th
Tris is batting .323 with 21
home runs on the season
He is 0 for 3 today
Speaker waiting on the delivery
Williams throws the 2-2 pitch
Curve ball...
Speaker swings and misses by a mile
The bottom dropped out of that one!
A wicked pitch!
One out
Due up next is Max Carey

Carey is up now for Dead Ball Era
We'll see how they pitch to Carey
Carey waits patiently for the pitch
His bat is coiled
The lefty Williams delivers
A slider by Williams
Carey gets good wood on it...
Gazelle back-pedals quickly...
Up with his glove...
One more chance for Dead
Ball Era this inning

Joe Jackson is coming to the plate
Time is called...
Jackson has asked the ump
to clean the plate
We'll be ready in a second...
OK, now we are ready again
Williams steps off the mound toward second
Gives the resin bag a good squeeze...

Now he toes the rubber...
He's ready to go
Williams brings it to the plate
Jackson swings...
Hits the fastball on the ground...
Down the line at first...
Potpie trying to backhand it...
Can't get a glove on it
It's into right field for a hit

Moving up to the plate is Home Run Baker
Jackson is the runner on first
He represents the tying run
Baker steps out of the box...
Looks towards Jim Thorpe for a sign
Baker waits on Williams
The southpaw Williams' delivery
on the 1-2 pitch
Curve in the dirt... and Baker holds up
Looked like he went around from here
But the man in blue says no
Hays asks the third base ump's opinion
Baker is screaming mad!
So the Ghosts are retired
here in the eighth
They are still 1 run behind
Williams is having his way
with them this evening
For you stats nuts out there,
Dead Ball Era is 54 and 42 versus
righty starters in 1900
If they don't get busy in the ninth,
they'll have to add another
loss to that total
Overall, they are 73 and 66

Deacon Palmer, Gerald Gazelle,
and Jeff Nights are due
up for the All Stars
FOFC leads, 3-2
Palmer digs in on the right side
of the plate facing the righty Walsh
Palmer waits
Walsh's righthanded delivery...
And Palmer will sit down...
strike three called
That's one away

Nobody on, one away for FOFC
Up now is Gazelle
Gazelle is 1 for 3 today
Walsh is saying a few words to Collins...
So far in 1900,
Ed has a 10 and 15 record
with 16 complete games
OK, now he looks in for the sign
The righthander delivers
Changeup down low...
Gazelle makes contact and
hits one out to center
Tris Speaker is drifting over...
Now he's under it...
Easy out for Walsh
That's the second out of the inning

Nights now at the plate
John Williams waits on deck
Nights can't seem to get
settled at the plate
The umpire says let's go
Nights is ready
He brings it home
There's a fly ball to Tris Speaker
Speaker circles under it...
This one would end the inning...
He makes the play
The All Stars go down in order, 1-2-3
After 8 and a half innings,

FOFC leads 3 to 2

Dead Ball Era will send up the tail end
of their order for the bottom of the 9th
Their shortstop, Bobby Wallace,
will lead things off
Wallace looks down toward
the third base coach
Bobby steadies his bat
Waits patiently for Knowles' pitch
Now the delivery, here is is...
Wallace was frozen on that
fastball by Knowles
High and on the outside corner
He was looking for an off-speed pitch
One up, one down

Harry Hooper is swinging a bat
He'll come up to hit for Ray Schalk

Hooper pounds the plate
Now he stares out at Knowles
Right-hander Knowles eyes the lefty Hooper
Sammy rocks and fires
Hooper takes the pitch
STRIKE THREE, is the call
Hooper can't believe it and
says something to the ump
Chalk up a whiff for Knowles
Only one more chance for Dead Ball Era
FOFC ahead 3 to 2

Now batting for the Ghosts...
Edd Roush...
He'll pinch hit for Ed Walsh
Eddie Collins is on-deck

Next up tonight is Roush
Roush swinging from the left side
of the plate against the righty Knowles
The count is full, 3-2
The payoff pitch...
Knowles fires
Roush hits a three hopper
towards Barrett Blade
Blade scoops it and fires
it to first for the out
And that will do it for Dead Ball Era
FOFC wins 3 to 2
Williams gets another huge win
after pitching another gem...
8 innings only 2 runs, right when
the FOFCers needed it...
Knowles notches the save
Walsh takes the loss
The hitting star for FOFC
was Persimmon Pflaggstettler
He was 1 for 4 with a homerun
And that wraps things up
So long from Dead Ball Era.

Last edited by Breeze : 07-04-2013 at 07:19 AM.
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