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Old 08-10-2013, 11:03 AM   #53
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Seven miles up
Clearly on first look it appears that the volume of minerals, specifically certain types of minerals on Venus means that we need to initiate some progress toward extracting them. However, the cost at our current tech level is much too great to jump in with both feet.

I propose that we spend the money to continue to explore other locations in the Solar System. There are many locations where the cost to extract would be much more manageable than this.

Furthermore, we need to begin to develop the right technologies that would allow us to feasibly extract and possibly colonize the planet of Venus. However, we have only explored 1 inner planet. I will not rush to conclusions that it is the immediate solution.

If I understand correctly, the deposits of Duranium specifically are only just under twice as hard to get at as they are on our own planet? If that's the case then assets should be allocated to getting it whether it be by auto-mining or else, as long as it isn't cost prohibitive. We need to attain what we can at our current level while pushing to explore and open as many options as we can. At the same time we will not tie all resources to a solution that instead, may find us wasting time and money when a simpler solution may be out there.

As for geology teams. At this time we know that the extent of minerals on Venus is great at a minimum. Instead of sending our best men and women there right now, we ask for them to continue to develop technologies that will allow for us to move about the galaxy.

I am authorizing the production of up to 2 more Essex-class ships to explore the system, as well as the beginning of a regular production of line of shuttles that can quickly move our people when our brave and intrepid explorers find another supply of minerals.

If we should find the rest of the solar system to be barren and our only recourse is to transit to Venus we will have the infrastructure built with which to move our people and the technology to make life work there.

{I have no clue if anything I said there works in the aspect of the game, tbh. But hopefully, you get the gist of it, and can work with it within the confines of the writing and playing.}

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