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Old 08-29-2013, 12:08 AM   #170
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
He looks around. There is just a small chamber back here, with a resting area that the tasked genie apparently used regularly. After a search, Alzar finds a hidden niche here that springs open. Inside is a large and ancient tome. A spellbook.

Alzar also finds a second Amulet, a Ring, a Jellaba, and a few non-magical items.

Ruby Necklace – 750 gp
43 gold coins from the empire

Alzar suspects that anyone who could force a genie to serve them is very powerful, and that means the spellbook is likely trapped with all sorts of bad stuff. He will wait until later and cast a bunch of Dispel Magics at it over the course of weeks, and then pop it open. That alone will take level 5 when he can learn 3rd level Magic, although he is getting close to that level.

2500XP for the adventure and kill
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