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Old 09-24-2013, 06:51 AM   #445
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Holy shit was that bad. The idea of him leaving everyone he loves and living out his life in a personal purgatory isn't bad. But you couldn't have executed in a poorer way.

The writing on the show couldn't have been worse the last few seasons. Plot holes galore, random storylines that went nowhere, and huge shifts from episode to episode in character development.

Originally Posted by mckerney View Post
At least we got the pointless Masuka and Daughter Boobs side plot that never went anywhere included in the final few episodes.

That's my favorite side note from the season. The storyline was completely pointless. Just a chance to see the girl from Friday Night Light's tits. In fact, she wasn't the only character making meaningless appearances this season. Did they just have these people under contract and figure they needed to create something for them to do? Besides Masuka, Matthews scenes never made sense all season. He was super protective of that family but we never find out why. And what happened to the new girl who was named Lieutenant? What was the whole point of that whole thing with Quinn if he was just going to be temporarily mad and act like nothing changes by the next episode?

I seriously feel dumber for having watched this season. I can think of shows with worse themes, but not worse writing.
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